About Rabia Balkhi University

Higher Education Institution of Rabaa Balkhi has been established for the purpose of training human resources in the field of scientific and economic self-sufficiency of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

About Rabia Balkhi University

Rabia Balkhi University was established in late 2011 and after the legal process, with the official permission of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in 2012, it officially started its activities in Kabul. Rabia Balkhi initially started with two majors in economics and law. Shortly after obtaining the license, two other disciplines, Engineering and Computer Science, were added.

After a graduation period, in 2015, the Ministry of Higher Education was promoted from the Institute of Higher Education to the University.

Due to the many problems of Afghanistan in the field of health and the serious need for specialists in this field, Rabia Balkhi University in 1395 created the field of math and in 1396 the field of pharmacy.

Rabia Balkhi University currently has three branches in three important districts of Kabul; this scientific center has two branches of permanent repair and standardization. The repair of the central branch has been designed and built on seven floors for the school environment. The Barchi branch has two repairs on two and four floors.

Now, with four rounds of leisure time, fortunately, after eight years, it has become a valuable scientific center in the field of higher education and is considered one of the most prestigious centers in the country in the private sector.

Principles and values ​​of Rabia Balkhi University

According to Article 43 of the Afghan Constitution, "teaching is the right of all Afghan citizens." Rabia Balkhi University, with the efforts of all stakeholders and careful planning, considers it its responsibility to provide a platform for all applicants to access higher education. In the long run, this university will be a university that believes in Islamic values, scientific and progressive achievements in the country, which is in accordance with national and global standards in the production and dissemination of science, education and research using the capacities of capable professors. And give the expert the opportunity to train students with the capacity to work. To achieve such a vision, he emphasizes the following principles and values:

  1. The focus of knowledge and emphasis on expertise and meritocracy;
  2. Equality and denial of any discrimination to facilitate equal access to educational and research opportunities;
  3. Strengthening national unity as a basic condition for comprehensive development of the country;
  4. Observance of human morality and dignity in the light of the teachings of the holy religion of Islam and human values;

University Goals

The main goal of Rabia Balkhi University is to train specialized, committed and active human resources in line with scientific and professional needs in the country.

The university pursues the following goals by providing a healthy and dynamic scientific environment with the necessary standards for those interested in higher education:

  1. Provide specialized training with quality and continuous improvement of university quality of education;
  2. Cultivating and developing students' talents in theoretical, practical and research fields;
  3. Formation of master's courses by providing the necessary facilities and manpower;
  4. Increase educational and research facilities and capacities including libraries, laboratories, texts and teaching materials.
  5. Improving the quality of scientific and administrative opacity
  6. Continuous improvement and reform of the organization and the administrative system and the creation of a transparent, efficient, modern and effective administrative system in the university in order to effectively use the facilities and resources (human, financial, physical, etc.);
  7. Increasing the activities of Rabia Balkhi University in other parts of the country, especially in areas deprived of higher education centers.
  8. Efforts to provide education for vulnerable groups such as women, the families of martyrs, the disabled and the privileged who cannot afford it.
  9. Establishing relations with universities and reputable scientific research centers in the country and other countries;
  10. Strengthening the University's Research Center and Orienting Schools from Pure Teaching to Researching a Specific Topic

Development of facilities and resources

Rabieh Balkhi University currently has well-equipped and accessible buildings, well-equipped and standardized classrooms and office units, a library, adequate facilities, heating and cooling facilities and facilities, as well as a relatively low face at the level of active universities. It is the city of Kabul.

The university is determined to provide standard and permanent repairs to the third branch over the next five years.

Rabia Balkhi, by improving the space and suitable hardware and software facilities and using new technologies, provides the possibility of developing and developing the potential capabilities of staff, students and members of the scientific cadre as the most valuable human capital in order to promote Help the level of public welfare and sustainable development. The university wants to become one of the best higher education centers in the country by providing educational services in accordance with the standards and bills of the Ministry of Higher Education.

Educational system

Rabieh Balkhi University's educational system is based on modern educational criteria and is framed within the framework of the credit system. The number of credits / courses taught in each faculty is divided into four sections: basic topics, specialized topics, optional and university topics, practical topics, and monograph / project.

Teaching and learning methods such as lecturing, question and answer, observations, group work, participation, PBL and CBL are also used in teaching and learning.

Each semester scores based on student assessment methods and course scores; attendance, guild activity, homework 20 points. The test in the middle of the semester is 20 points. The semester end exam is 60 points.

The university currently has six faculties:

  1. School of Economics, with departments: ((Economics)), and ((Business Management))
  2. Faculty of Law, with departments: (Judiciary and Prosecution) and ((Political Science))
  3. School of Computer Science; with departments: ((Software Engineering)), ((Information Technology)),
  4. School of Engineering with Seoul Engineering and Electrical Engineering Departments;
  5. High School of Migration;
  6. Faculty of Pharmacy;
